The Ferrazzi Challenge Talk

With a career spanning over 40 years as a highly regarded consultant and executive coach, Keith Ferrazzi brings a wealth of experience to each talk. Ferrazzi’s keynotes are not one-size-fits-all; instead, he customizes and personalizes every talk. By understanding the unique nuances of your organization, Ferrazzi challenges teams to make behavioral changes that align seamlessly with strategic objectives, fostering more efficient and effective outcomes and delivering an impactful talk.

Keith has delivered keynote speeches and presentations to audiences including...


Singular speaker, exceptional insight.

Keith’s keynotes go beyond the ordinary by tapping into the hearts and minds of attendees and challenging them to cut down silos and open up to the change at hand through inclusive collaboration. By deeply connecting everyone in the room, Keith Ferrazzi facilitates the risk-taking and candor that ignites action and paves the way for the innovation and agility needed for sustainable organizational change in today’s radically interdependent world. w

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Speaking Topics


From Leadership to Teamship: 10 Shifts to Unleash Your Team's Potential in the AI Era

In a world where virtual, hybrid, and AI-powered teams are the new norm, success hinges on a radical shift from traditional leadership to teamship. Drawing on over 20 years of coaching observations and a dataset of more than 3,000 diagnostic assessments conducted with Fortune 500 firms, fast-growing unicorns, and other world-leading organizations, best-selling author Keith Ferrazzi presents a groundbreaking approach to organizational performance.

Research shows that 81% of team members believe they collectively fail to achieve their full potential, while 71% feel they don't sufficiently collaborate on their organization's most critical challenges. "Never Lead Alone," Ferrazzi's forthcoming book, addresses this untapped potential with insights and practical strategies for building dream teams in the age of AI.

In this transformative keynote, you'll discover:

  • The power of Co-Elevation behaviors and how they can dramatically improve team performance
  • 10 critical shifts that provide a roadmap for transforming team dynamics in as little as six months
  • High Return Practices for fostering a culture of candor, inclusivity, and purposeful collaboration
  • Strategies for leveraging both human and AI perspectives to drive innovation and bold thinking
  • Insights on building resilience, accountability, and sustained alignment around a shared vision
  • Case studies from leading organizations including, Cisco, Dropbox, IBM, JetBlue, Procter & Gamble, Salesforce, and more

As AI reshapes the business landscape, the teams that will thrive are those who can adapt, innovate, and co-create with both human and AI teammates. This keynote is your guide to making the leap from leadership to teamship and unlocking your team's full potential in the AI era.

Read the Forbes article

Leading Without Authority: Empowering Leadership to Unleash Radical Interdependency for Transformative Change

This keynote is a catalyst for a profound shift in perspective and offers a roadmap for catalyzing positive change at every level and breaking down of silos. Ferrazzi challenges the audience to rethink old notions of authority and hierarchy to become a formidable force for change within their respective organizations, irrespective of their role or positional authority.

Attendees will:

  • Examine the power of Co-Elevation®, an innovative approach to collaboration that dismantles silos, creating teams not just committed to the mission but deeply connected to one another, regardless of the work setting.
  • Unlock the potential to forge meaningful connections with the people they need to co-create the future independent of the org chart.  
  • Embrace change management by helping your teams understand and adapt to the changes at hand from their unique vantage point within the organization. This includes empowering individuals to lead and drive change, even without formal authority.

Never Eat Alone: Mastering the Art of Authentic Connection to Drive Revenue

In today's dynamic and increasingly virtual landscape, professionals navigate the unique challenge of fostering connections through screens and in-person. Yet, amidst the digital divide, the enduring key to sustained revenue growth remains unchanged: the art of cultivating authentic and deeply loyal relationships.

Ferrazzi will delve into the strategies that both transcend virtual barriers, but leverage new technology to empower your teams to proactively forge meaningful connections with clients and prospects alike.

During this talk you will:

  • Discover how to infuse loyalty building into every interaction, leveraging technology not as a barrier but as a conduit for trust and rapport.
  • Learn the timeless principles that underscore successful relationship-building, providing you with actionable insights to elevate your business transactions.

Thriving in the New World of Work: Unleashing the Potential of Hybrid, AI and Digital Transformation for your Teams

Only 15% of organization have successfully forged clear innovative paths forward in this perpetually volatile, post-pandemic business landscape. In this keynote, Ferrazzi will empowering you with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape, delving into the insights and best practices gleaned from the elite 15% of organizations that have mastered the art of leading teams through change in the ever-evolving world of work.

During this keynote, you will:

  • Gain practical takeaways and recommendations to not only stay competitive but also foster bolder, faster, and more inclusive collaboration within your organization.
  • Learn the secrets of "the new people rules for a virtual workplace”
  • Explore what it truly means to leverage AI and new ways of collaborating to be "world-class hybrid" and a "world-class digitally forward team."

Schedule Keith For Your Event

Book Keith
Keith Ferrazzi is that rare speaker who combines an infectious energy with inspiration and great stories to lift the audience. No matter how engaged people are when they enter the room, Keith grabs their attention immediately and takes them on a ride where they will leave wanting not only to transform their teams, but transform their lives to be more honest, open and of service to others. I always know we’ll have an amazing experience when Keith speaks.
I walked away yesterday with a new vigor. This was a real gift.
Keith facilitates each talk so that every audience member walks away feeling a little more connected both with themselves and with the industry peer group they are part of.
I have always felt the need for a McKinsey approach to strategy and a Ferrazzi Greenlight behavioral change approach to ensure our people can execute on whatever strategy is at hand.
The Ferrazzi Greenlight team helped us adopt a sense of mutual accountability, a greater focus on hard and soft skills, and peer-to-peer support networks all in service of individual, team, and corporate growth.
As we continue to challenge ourselves to further the development of our organization and workplace, having Keith join our Key Leaders’ Meeting added energy, creativity, and great leadership challenge. I look forward to deploying Ferrazzi Greenlight concepts and developing along their Team Maturity Model.
Paul Bay, CEO, Ingram Micro
When I started planning the Conscious Entrepreneur Summit, I knew I wanted a keynote speaker with business gravitas—someone who could speak from the heart and connect authentically with the audience. I’m so glad Keith was able to join us. He put together the most amazing talk that covered many areas of his life and work and told in a relatable yet high-impact style. Not only did he get a standing ovation—his talk was voted #1 of the entire two-day conference by 80% of all participants. I really can’t recommend Keith highly enough.
Alex Raymond, host of The Conscious Entrepreneur Summit and CEO of Kapta
As a global organization, working as a network across various time zones is critical to enabling business growth. Keith Ferrazzi's talk uncovered new ways to think about collaborating outside of the traditional meeting format. Keith truly understands what it takes to drive high-performing teams, and his charismatic presentation style inspires action.
Bea Perez, The Coca-Cola Company

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